Huayao Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. was established on August 1, 2019, with a registered capital of 40 million USD. Located at Yangguang Avenue, Shaerqin Industrial Park, Hohhot Economic and Technological Development Zone, it specializes in R&D, design, manufacturing and system construction in the photovoltaic industry. The company currently covers an area of about 17 ha. and has 1,200 employees.
The company plans to invest in the construction of a solar photovoltaic monocrystalline silicon wafer production based in Inner Mongolia by stages. The “3GW Monocrystalline Silicon Wafer Production Project”, constructed in 2019 with an investment of 145 million USD, has an annual production capacity of about 600 million monocrystalline silicon wafers. Sales revenue reached 360 million USD. Earnings and taxes amount to more than about 36 million USD. A ‘Monocrystalline Silicon Wafer Production Line with a capacity of 12 GW’, the so called 12 GW Project set up in 2021 with an investment of about 571 million USD, is now in the commissioning stage. Once the commissioning process has been completed, it will contribute around 850 Mio. USD to sales revenue and 714 million USD to profits and taxes.
Full Automated production lines

State-of-the-art equipment in the industry

Creating a new benchmark in the photovoltaic industry
Company Milestone​​​​​​​
  • August Cooperated on 1st Aug 2019
  • September Commercial production launched of ingot and wafer
  • April Achieve 5GW annual capacity of ingot
    July Initiated phased II expansion with additional capacity 9GW of ingot/wafer, expected to finish in June 2022
    October Wafer slicing capacity reached 50 million pcs/month
  • June 12GW module capacity achieved
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • get ready for the future
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